Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Encouraging Creativity

I'm reading Big Think Strategy by Bernd Schmitt and the chapter I'm on now has a nice discussion about innovation (radical innovation to be specific) and creativity. Schmitt writes that he's often asked by his clients about how they can come up with the next big idea, think creatively, and escape the trap of "Small Think Strategy".

In finding a good answer to that question, Schmitt researched the current understanding on what mechanically goes on in the brain when a person is "thinking creatively". In a nutshell, when more than one area of the brain is stimulated simultaneously with the part of the brain that is considering the problem at hand, then creative thought is encouraged.

The theory suggests that when these multiple areas are active at the same time, new connections form, and these connections consciously manifest as new ideas and approaches to the problem. This is why people with a problem often come up with a solution at unexpected times, such as during a dream, while in the shower or listening to music.

Maybe all those crazy "creative toys" in the office during the boom weren't so crazy after all?

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