Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Male Mortality And Doing Something About It

I read a nice article on men's shorter lifespan, as compared to women's. It appears here.

In a nutshell, men are wired for competition, and women are wired for longevity. There are interesting points made about our behavioral differences and how they bring our average down: men are more likely to die driving drunk, women spend 50% more on healthcare, women are better consumers of healthcare information, and those are just a few examples.

The article also points to a new ad campaign promoting men paying more attention to preventative medicine, and health management in general. It's a lighthearted pitch called "Real Men Wear Gowns", and it can be found here (http://www.ahrq.gov/realmen/).

So if you're a man who's reading this, and living a shorter life than women do seems unfair to you, then do something about it! If nothing else, share the link with other men, that is, if you're man enough to.

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